With Object Oriented Programmation, it is often useful to display an object quickly and easily.
The PHP langage has a magic object method to do that :
class Object { public function __toString() { } }
This method, if it is defined, will be automatically called (magic !) when the Object is displayed.
It’s nice, no ? But if your Php version is prior to 5.2, the magic method is not called !
Example :
class Car { public $color; public function __construct($color = 'white') { $this->color = $color; } public function __toString() { return $this->color . ' car'; } } $Car = new Car(); $redCar = new Car('red'); echo "There is a " . $Car . " and a " . $redCar;
In Php 5.2.1 :
There is a white car and a red car
But with Php before 5.2 :
There is a Object #1 and a Object #2
So, to be sure of the behavior of your script, you can call directly the __toString() method.
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