flavors.me: all your online profiles in one elegant place
Tools & Apps

flavors.me: all your online profiles in one elegant place

Are you (a geek) like me? Do you also have a profile on Twitter, one on LinkedIn, another one on Facebook, one for your pics on Flickr and one for your videos on YouTube  or Vimeo? Are you running a blog on WordPress, Posterous or Tumblr, or do you simply have a website?
Our online profiles are spread accross so many social media services. Wouldn’t it be perfect to have just one single online identity that would then be easy to communicate?

Flavors.me is a new service that launched in February that makes it dead simple to achieve just that!
You can link your colorful Flavors.me page to 15 widely used online social services such as Foursquare, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and customize your page with easy design tools allowing you to upload a background image, play with the font type and size, as well as the colors.
There are other service allowing you to merge your online profiles in one place, but Flavors.me is really the best because of it so easy to use and super aesthetic.

Have a look at my Flavors.me page or the one we did for Netinfluence to get an idea of the kind of result you can achieve.
Get creative and make your own! And feel free to send us the link to your page by leaving a comment on this blog post!

Flavors.me from Jack Zerby on Vimeo.

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