Discover our new campaign - More than Chocolate
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Discover our new campaign « More than Chocolate »

How to generate attention around startups when almost the 3’000 people who participate to the most important European’s web event are incredible startup owners, experts or pure players too?

Well, you figure out how to get attention.

This is why we created this buzz campaign, starting 2010 to promote western switzerland innovation & entrepreneurship abroad.

Here is the video we made to present this campaign:

Doing what matters

During the 3 days of immersion, all the participants will be saturated with information. Our idea was to generate attention doing something that would deserve attention. And what matters to a crowd of 3’000 geeks and socialmedia nerds is fun and good food!

By building on the success of «More Than Chocolate», the buzz campaign rolled out during LeWeb’10 that generated a lot of sympathy and attention for the western Switzerland delegation is back.

New startups, more fun and a chance to win a year of chocolate

Getting noticed during the conference is key. All the Western Switzerland delegation, including the staff of our 5 startups will be wearing our now reknown red T-shirts claiming « we don’t only produce great chocolate, we also have great startups ».

Our charming Heidi will be giving away swiss chocolate and material to invite the public to play to our very special Facebook quiz to discover our startups and the chance to win a year of swiss chocolate.

Engaging with fun

More interactive and fun, our Facebook page will play an even more important role for LeWeb’11: presenting our startups and showing what makes them so special. Working as a sharing point, our five featured startups will post their latest information and engage the conversation in the best web 2.0 way with their fans!

We will also be present the 3 days of the event to animate and play the role of community managers to reinforce the Alp ICT Team and help the startups get more visibility.

Building long-term relationships

This operation will stay active and will be enriched in the future, so don’t hesitate to support western Switzerland Entrepreneurship and join us before, during and after LeWeb’11:!

If you like this operation and wish to share it on social networks use the following hastags : #MTC #morethanchocolate #alpict.

And if you wish to share your impressions, leave us a message in the comments 😉

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