How much of your target do you actually know?

How much of your target do you actually know?

When you ask companies « who do you target? » most answer, « everyone ».
Everyone is not a target.
It’s a fantasy.
Not company, including the most successful ones, ever started thinking of « everyone ».

Facebook started targeting students.
Google targeted geeks.
Apple targeted schools.

Understanding who you target is the most important marketing task.

You cannot perform regardless of people’s needs.  You cannot understand people’s need unless you specifically target a specific group with identical needs.

We often do the personae exercise.
And we are always struck by how people react as if it was a new exercise.

When properly done, the personae exercise is a rich element of your marketing mix.  It helps understand if the value you claim matter to them, if the feature you offer are the ones they seek, if the service you offer is fulfilling their needs.

How much of your audience do know?
Do you have your personae in mind? Clipped to your wall?
How often do you revise them?
Have you actually talked to them?
When was the last time you met them?

If you cannot answer to more than 2 questions amongst the above list, then it might be time you run a little personae workshop…. If in need, our simplelab can help you.

*the picture featuring the personae is borrowed from the great book « Gamestorming »

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