Back to basics: Art House co-op & Moleskine = The Sketchbook Project 2011

Back to basics: Art House co-op & Moleskine = The Sketchbook Project 2011

I dont know for you fellas, but when I spend a big part of my days infront of the computer screen, iphone, ipad, etc…  I tend to forget those writting/drawing instuments on the side of my desk longing to get sharpen, broken, used, forgotten in a park, lost in a train… I wonder when was the last time I did something non-digital. Bummer!
But there’s still some hope left.

Recently an interesting project got my attention. It is described as ‘a concert tour with sketchbooks’ and it’s called… tadadadam… The Sketchbook Project Tour 2011 initiated by The Art House Co-op in collaboration with Moleskine. The Art House Co-op is organizes international projects in order to bring together artist (or whoever feels like participating) and share their work with each other. They started 3 years ago and are based in Brooklyn, NY. (follow them on Twitter: @arthouse)

No need to say that I applied straight.

The idea is simple.
To receive a sketchbook and participate in the project, you need to:

  1. Choose between different themes as ‘Things found on restaurant napkins’ ‘Great hopes and massive failures’Nighttime stories’ ‘In 5 minutes...’ ’The greatest story ever told’ etc. It will serve you as a principal idea for your “art works”.
  2. Pick up the cover colour of your precious Moleskine
  3. Click order & pay 25$ and…
  4. You are going to find it (in aprox. 2-3 weeks – European delivery) waiting for you in your mailbox with 40 blank pages inviting you to start doodling, writing, drawing, painting, cutting…
  5. The sketchbook is personalized with your name, location, Art House url, the theme you’ve chosen and a barcode (for tracking purpuses).

The sketchbook Project 2011

(More pics on Art House flickr page)

They say ‘A sketchbook is a place to put your heart and soul. Let it out into the wild.’ You are invited and even encouraged to customise it, rebind it, use different paper, change the front and back cover… have fun, be creative, be curious!

Once returned to sender (by January 15, 2011) it will be included in a tour around United States starting in March 2011. It will be shown at galleries & museums along with all the others, and in the end it will become part of the permenant collection at the Brooklyn Art Library. How cool is that?

Everyone can participate. You just need to find the idea how to fill the empty pages and register before October 31st.  The community is growing big… Till 10:17 this morning  – 11793 and counting. Be a part of it!


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