The 99% Conference – Day 1 (15.4.2010)

The 99% Conference – Day 1 (15.4.2010)

It’s been months that I’ve been waiting to attend this conference and today is the day!

It’s 8:15 a.m. in Brooklyn Dumbo and I’m on the way to the York subway station. I have to take the line F all the way up 42nd street and then walk to the Times Center where the conference is happening.
It’s 9 a.m. and i’m standing in a loooooong line stretching along the building. But we’re moving fast and in a matter of a few moments I hold my conference badge, yellow goodie bag and a cup of coffee. Yeah! I believe this is what they call ‘NY Minute’.
The lobby of The Times Center is filled with people. The atmosphere is growing and I know the day is going to be just fantastic.
It’s 10 a.m. sharp … we’re going in. The conference is about to start and we’re all super excited to hear what speakers have prepared for us.

Brief insights:
You can find much more on twitter. Search  #99conf.

Eve Blossom: Many people say they are starting a company. No you are NOT. You are starting a container for collaboration. »

Stefan Sagmeister: « Over time I get used to everything and start taking it for granted. »

Jack Dorsey: « When you stumble on something that you’re passionate about, get started. »

John Maeda: « All artists yearn to struggle. Only when they struggle do they feel alive. »

Leslie Koch: « Think big, act small, because you have to get shit done. »

Jay O’Callahan: « Imagination lives inside each of us, stories sometimes bring that out. »

Martin Ping: « The capacity to pause and reflect is what it means to be human. »

Fred Wilson: « The three most harmful addictions are heroin, carbohydrates, and a monthly salary. »

Frans Johansson: « Making an idea happen is « taking risks and making a lot of failures. »

Scott Belsky: « It is almost selfish to have creative ideas and not develop them. »

It’s 5 p.m. and the conference room is on fire. Standing ovation for the organizers and speakers. I’m walking out of the room inspired and lifted, feeling that I need to go back home, like NOW, and share what I learned – and get ideas happen.


Breaking news (5 hours later)
I’m staying in New York. We are opening an office: netinfluence New York.

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