LeWeb’10 – Why blogging is important for brands. An interview with WordPress founder, Matt Mullenweg

An interview with WordPress founder, Matt Mullenweg

WordPress makes it incredibly simple to create and publish content, from a computer, a cell phone and now an iPad. It is open-source software, and we, at netinfluence, use it for establishing blogs for most of our customers and ourselves of course!
There are about 30 million publishers on it right now. That’s roughly 10% of all websites in the world.

Interviewing the successful founder of WordPress

We met with Matt Mullenweg, Automattic founder – the company behind WordPress.com, Akismet, Gravatar, bbPress, IntenseDebate, BuddyPress -, at LeWeb’10 and asked him about the importance of blogging and maintaining a conversation on the social web for brands today.
Matt shares his insights and point of view about the power of the new media 2.0.

LeWeb’10 – Why blogging is important for brands.

Please see our video interview right here:

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