Second Day of Marketing 2 Conference

Second Day of Marketing 2 Conference

The second day of the conference offered quite a few tracks on media and poor sales pitch of speaking sponsors.  To me, most of the presentations, unlike day1, were useless.  I however met up with some really interesting people, had a long talk about 2011 version of the event with Emmanuel Vivier (which was really interesting, looking forward) and discussed with Jean François Ruiz about his upcoming (and quite interesting) new product (much ado about social media profiling).  So my day, although poor in inspiration, was really rich networking wise!

But, 1 presentation struck me and actually made my day.  Oke Müller, from TBWA did a superb and well handled keynote.  I filmed it and you must see the videos : Oke Muller part 1Oke Muller part 2Oke Muller part 3.

Also worth mentioning the EA presentation, Fererro, innocentive and of course our national Matthias Luefkens. I am just sad my battery went of due the (never ending) presentation of Marc Davis, so the last presentation were either shortened (that of matthias) or taken from my mac ;-(

Next year I will not forget my charger…promise 😉

So, to wrap up with all this, yes this year edition, thanks to Nils, to Emmanuel and their teams was great. I will and you should come next year!

I hope that next year we get more of the Crispin and bogulsky or TBWA type of presentations and no more media boring stuff.  Maybe we too get the chance for prior the event animation (contest? agencies involved in the buzzing the conference, list of attendees and a feed of their tweets or blogs) and no more of the web 0 type of stuff like flyers distributed or crapy sponsor presentations.  Boy, this is not because you pay for the conference, you have to give boring sales pitch!  Maybe danone could create a product discovery and arrange a nice lounge area for people to experience a nice time during the breaks, so could Evian or Lego too.  Maybe the organizer should show the backchannel via visibletweets so that presenters get to be challenged and people in the room get to read what is said.
Please, Nils, limit speakers to 10 minutes.  I did only take the last 10 minutes (to be allowed to download on youtube) of each presentations and believe me, the interesting bits fit in that, rest is boring!  Keep the schedule (you can’t be 2 hours late already at lunch time!)
Food was nice, Wifi slow (but existing) and you did very well because, amonsgt the conference I attended, this one is one that brings me most value from a marketing standpoint.  So thank you and keep up the good (very good!) work.

You can access all the other video via our netinfluenceChannel on youtube.

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