Stickybits: Interactive experience @ netinfluence
Mobile App

Stickybits: Interactive experience @ netinfluence

Have you heard about stickybits? We got totally hooked on this new start-up since it launched in March during SXSW.

What is it and how does it work? After downloading the free StickyBits application on your iPhone or Android, you can start scanning a barcode and upload any kind of digital content or view what others have already uploaded on it. You can scan either barcodes on stickers purchased from StickyBits, or those found on any product out there!

To have fun, we sticked StickyBits all over the office. What’s pretty cool about this is that it creates a unique interactive experience for our visitors! There’s a StickyBit on your nameplate in the building’s front entrance so that people who pass-by can discover who we are and what we do, there is one on our office’s door with a nice video welcome message, there is another one on the wall where we showcase our latest realizations with pictures and links, one in the kitchen area with heaps of fun stuff, and another one in our restroom inviting you our blog! 🙂
The cool part is that all our visitors can « attach » their own bits to our stickers. Fun stuff, no?

Beyond this, what blows our minds the most, are all the possibilities given by this application. By letting anyone attach a digital message to any physical object, StickyBits is bridging the gap between real life and digital world.

Just imagine what it means for brands. Currently all the content appearing on barcodes is user-generated content. But StickyBits plans to release in June tools for brands, including means to manage the conversations popping up on its products and an analytics dashboard. Brands will be able to track where and when people scan its products, publish official content, or talk to users that have checked in previously.

Geo-localisation apps like Foursquare or Gowalla, can help brands and retailers get the consumers in the store, but StickyBits is actually in the store with the consumer when he is making his final purchasing act! And figures indicate that 30% are using their mobile phones at this exact moment (to call someone for advice, or look for recommendations online for example).

Therefore it’s very important, in our opinion, that brands hurry to take ownership of their product’s barcode.
Why? By doing so they can turn a basic « product » into a « universe » or « user experience ». Imagine being in a shop, scanning your favorite coffee and getting in return info about its origin, composition, or environmental footprint. But we could also imagine getting more practical outputs like video advice from George Clooney for example, recipe ideas, other consumer’opinions, discount coupons, or an advertising message.
There are millions of creative ideas to come up with for brands to give life to their products and deliver a unique experience to consumers. We are looking forward to help you achieving just that!

Here is a 5 minutes video we made to show you a bit more in details how StickyBits works. Any feedback welcomed!

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