Keynote news : new iPhone and really improved features !
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Keynote news : new iPhone and really improved features !

To make it short, the new iPhone 3G S is going to be faster (s for speed) and with a longer battery life and will come in 2 versions :

  • 8GB (99$) – current version
  • 16GB (199$) – 3GS
  • 32GB (299$) – 3GS

Among the new features comes :

  • improved camera lens with auto exposure, auto focus, 3MP
  • video capture enabled
  • video editing from within the iPhone
  • compas (tells you the north, south, lattitude…)
  • lansdcape keyboard for all native apps (email, messages, notes…)
  • MMS feature (allowing to send text & pictures)
  • Voice control to make your calls or control your iPod music launch
  • feature to find your iPhone (makes a small alert)
  • Number to block your iPhone in case it gets stolen
  • Push now available : comes with 3 different possibilities > sound alert, messaging of app launch
  • copy / paste and undo features available also within developers apps (comes within API)
  • more than 1’000 new APIs are available

To be also noticed from the application side :

  • more « health apps » to control your blood pressure, alert in case of patient health pb…
  • major navigation app coming with TOMTOM

Figures :

  • The iPhone has already 50’000 applications whilst android hardly got 5’000 and blackberry 1’000
  • 2/3 of « phone browsing », 65% is done by an iPhone
  • They already got more than a billion apps downloaded
  • As of april 23, they had sold 40 million iPod Touch & iPhones

More here : iPhone website Follow the guided tour (15 minutes)

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