Lift11 – Video interview with Tiffany St. James: How to engage with online communities

Lift11 – Video interview with Tiffany St. James: How to engage with online communities

As we attended the Lift’11 conference held in Geneva last week, we’re going to tell you a little about what we’ve seen and heard through video interviews we have made with Lift11 speakers such as Tiffany St. James, Brian Solis, Matthias Lüfkens.

Let’s begin our Lift11 overview with Tiffany St James.
Tiffany is the former head of citizen participation for the UK government. She trained the UK Civil Service on how to better engage with the public online. There, she gathered a strong experience on how to encourage involvement in online communities.

Today, people have very little faith in corporate communication. In fact, only 14% trust what is said. But 70% of people trust their peers… So the first advices might come from family member or a friend. In this context, social media can do a lot.

In this interview, Tiffany tells us about the best ways for a brand to engage within a community.
How should a brand approche people? How do you get them engaged? What should be your objectives and how should you mesure your success?

These are key problematics that many firms and institutions encounter today. We interviewed her so she could bring us some insights on these subjects.
We could relate this video interview to the one we did last year at Lift10 with Maria Sipka on the subject and which you should watch as well.

Here are the slides she used for the Lift conference:

Online Communities: How to encourage involvement

You can also see her entire conference here:

Hoping you appreciated the insights, we’re looking forward to your comments and reactions!

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