Lift11 – Video interview with Matthias Lüfkens: about social medias’ impact

Lift11 – Video interview with Matthias Lüfkens: about social medias’ impact

Mathias Lüfkens is the former deputy editor in chief with EuroNews television and freelance correspondent for AFP, The Daily Telegraph and Libération, in the Baltic States. He is the founder of the In Your Pocket city guides as well. He now is associate director in charge of digital media at the World Economic Forum.

Because of his rich experience with social media we asked Matthias a few questions. Which tools is he using, how and to which purpuse? What kind of feedback is he getting?  What should companies look at when on social media?

You might find some answers to these questions in his interview:

Matthias also held a conference at this year’s Lift conference about Twitter diplomacy: